2021 Kazuto KASHIKURA

2021 Kazuto KASHIKURA

Internship at Vietnam(Online)




<What did you learn through the program especially in internship?>

For ABL program, I have set the research topic as rooftop solar power market in Vietnam.

My research was conducted by working with the local consulting company which specializes in business for renewable energy in Vietnam.
Although my internship was done remotely due to COVID-19, the experience I gained was sufficient to deepen my understanding about the market by interacting with local stakeholders including clients and employees.

<How the experience may help your current / future job?>

After completing ABL program, I was transferred to another department which is related to renewable energy.
Hence the experience and knowledge about renewable energy that I gained through internship helped my current position.
Additionally, I was able to establish a good relationship with Kyoto University and expand my network by working with other attendees which I hope will lead to new opportunities in the future.

<Message for the new researchers>

ABL Program made me realize the importance of learning and I could not have joined at a better time being 6th year into working at my company that I joined as New Graduate.

Before the program, I tended to focus on efficiency rather than learning more than what was expected. ABL program let me decide the research topic all by myself and be surrounded by highly specialized professionals. It is an eye-opening experience so I highly recommend to join this program.