2016 Hirofumi SATO

2016 Hirofumi SATO

Internship at Philippines




<What did you learn through the program especially in internship>

open mind
I learned importance of experiencing local cultures (food, festivals, events, history, historic spot and language) and trying to challenge in everything. By trying various things that cannot be experienced in Japan without having prejudice, I realized that the conversation started naturally and a relationship was developed with local people. Thanks to the development of relationships, I gained cooperation from the colleagues on research work and business proposals during the internship. After my internship, I keep in touch with my colleagues and continue to have a good relationship.

<How the experience may help your current / future job>

ls necessary for global business. I’m not related to global business, but I can work in global environment with confidence at any time. Also, in each country of Southeast Asia. I was inspired with witnessing the situation that workers in the countries raise their market value while gaining experiences. As I spent half a year at a local organization where there are no Japanese, I have no resistance to jumping into the new environment. After returning Japan, I have moved to new division and I experience new work.

<Message for the new researchers>

It was a valuable opportunity to have time to learn away from everyday tasks. By visiting countries in Southeast Asia, I think that you can understand the momentum of growth in each country. Please stimulate with other researchers and have a good time.