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2017 Yu KAWAKAMI |
Internship at Vietnam |
Report |
<What did you learn through the program especially in internship>I worked with a lot of Vietnamese colleagues for 5 months and also shared a meal with them almost every day. As a result, I was able to build a solid relationship with them. I think I deeply understood their attitude toward their work, what they look for in their work, and what they think of Japanese people. In addition, I learned I should always respond to their kindness to work in cooperation with them, To do that, it’s important to be modest and open-minded. And, they gave me a lot of support in return for the contribution to their work. So, I also learned my strengths and previous experiences are important to obtain their cooperation. This internship program for 5 months was very effective for me to learn how I built a trust relationship with local people. <The experience helped for how your current job>Through this internship, I was able to build a solid relationship with the host company. I believe that this connection helps our business in the future. And, I got used to living and working in Vietnam. Since I spent a long time with Vietnamese, I learned about Vietnamese culture and food deeply. So, although my company assigned me to work in Vietnam after this program, I didn’t have a fear of living in Vietnam and I was able to start working with Vietnamese smoothly. In addition, I had a lot of opportunities for presentation in English. I’m sure I was able to improve the skill to deliver my opinion in English to audience. <Message for the new researchers>In this training program, there are many researchers from different companies. Each researcher has a different age and a different background. So, I spent a lot of time with them and exchanged our views. I made dependable friends outside my company. These friends are great fortune for my life. Through discussions with them, I got a good opportunity to reconfirm what are my strengths and weaknesses. I would like you to positively communicate with other researchers and make this program much more valuable. ![]() ![]() |