2014 Toshihiro MOTOYAMA

2014 Toshihiro MOTOYAMA

Internship at Vietnam




I had various experience that I cannot have any other way.
I wish to express my appreciation for all staff who supported during the program.
Before joining the program, I didn’t have overseas work experiences so that I struggled understanding contents of English training in the Philippines and lectures by professors of South East Asian countries in Japan.
But through an exchange of views, group discussion, I became able to understand contents of lecture and professors’ values in each country step by step.
Other ABL members from different industries joined ABL program with various purposes so that I learned fresh and attractive approach through an exchange of views with them.
During my internship in Vietnam, there were no Japanese in the internship company and I was a little uneasy at first.
But company staff and university professors in Vietnam were very kind to me so that I had satisfying internship activities.
Fortunately after I completed ABL program, our bank is making process in arrange service that advices our clients on Vietnam now.
ABL program flew by, but I’d like to use my experiences I had in the program even more in my company.