Internship at Thailand




Q.What did you learn through the program especially in internship?

I had worked at Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) as a research intern. The goal of our project was modeling of changing industrial structure of Thailand by development of neighbor countries as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. I and colleagues discussed about how to find fundamental changes. And the president of TDRI always said to us importance of having “long term perspective” and “big picture”. My first contribution to the team was analyzed the trends of Japanese manufacturing companies that have Thai factory from Japanese business media in English. The report made reliability relation between team member and me in early stage in internship.


Q. The experience helped for how your current job?

I am working in the project as assistant manager to improve IT security of Japanese trading company group there are oversea branches, oversea subsidiaries and domestic subsidiaries. Despite we are installing same IT system for more than 100 site we always face unexpected trouble in each countries, each site. And this large project has so many stakeholders who we have to adjust them. I strive to communicate enough with local staff to understand each situation and environment along my learning from the program.