2019 Hiroto FUKUDA

2019 Hiroto FUKUDA

Internship at India




<What did you learn through the program especially in internship>

I did an internship at two real estate companies in India; discussed with locals on the different and common points between India’s real estate development and Japan’s and visited the projects’sites.
I learned the local laws and acts related to real estate and business practices, experienced communication with locals many times and explored how to expand my network without the support of Japanese colleagues. These experiences were fresh for me.

<The experience helped for how your current job>

Currently, I am responsible for the development projects in Indonesia for my company. Since my boss is a non-Japanese and my clients are locals, I am making the most of my English skills which I growed through ABL. Besides, every day I think how to create values taking the advantage of a Japanese and Japanese excellent company as I discussed in ABL 2019.

<Message for the new researchers>

As long as you have a positive attitude, ABL will give you the great opportunities to grow. Don’t be passive and enjoy your adventure!