2014 Takaaki KANEKO

2014 Takaaki KANEKO

Internship at Indonesia




<What did you learn through the program especially in internship>

In the first half of the program, I had lectures from professors of the Business School of Asian countries. Through this lectures, I clearly learned the basic management knowledge and the social issues of each country. In addition, it was quite meaningful for me to feel the respective national characters of each country through communication with professors.

In the second half of the program, I conducted an internship in an Indonesian local company. It was a very valuable experience to deepen the solutions for the problems caused by the difference in the decision-making structure and approach between the cooperating Indonesian company and the overseas company. In addition, it was a big learning for me to understand the importance of “Being assertive” and “Being unique” when working abroad. Outside internship, participating in the MBA course of Bandung Institute of Technology briefly and discussing with a number of excellent students became a valuable treasure.

<The experience helped for how your current job>

I have been in international residential property development department since I completed ABL. Thanks to my experience in ABL, I can smoothly build favorable relationships with local people and companies which is essential to expand overseas property business.

<Message for the new researchers>

I am currently engaged in management consulting. In recent years I have received many consultations about the local management from companies conducting business in Asian countries. At that time, I am doing the more concrete professors.